For those of you that live beyond driving distance, I hope this pacifies your need for visual gratification.
We are up and swinging (the sledgehammer) making Paurus Design Downtown a place that will soon become a hub of excitement and a home of creativity for not only our 3 employees but our awesome clients.
Contractors are currently working to bring the baby up to fire code and later this week our super awesome friends at Grotberg Electric will be hooking up a sweet new 220 amp service. For those of you not familiar with the electric terms...note: 220amp = sweetness!
(way to go Sarah H. for making "sweet" the official word of August)
Mark at Grotberg got the lowdown on all the sweetageness and awesomeness that will be wired up soon in our awesome home...and he expressed his excitement to do the project as this building will be featuring applications and products NEVER SEEN in Valley City!
(again I polish my nails on my shoulder-hooray for NDSU and my expensive degree I never thought I would use)
Enjoy my good peoples!

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