Sunday, July 1, 2007

Harold Waddell says I'm Awesome

You will have to excuse me as I don't often get star struck. I had to post these immediately so I could totally rub the following images in my cousin Curt's face. (sucks to be you buddy, sucks to be you!)
The Paurus Design crew spent the day taking some sweet shots at the Eagle Ridge Hill Climb on Saturday. Big thanks to his royal highness Arnie who persuaded us to make time in our busy schedule to be the "official event photographers". What can we say...this club pretty much kicks hill climbing butt when it comes to organizing a professional event. We loved every sore legged-aching ankle-hill balancing-second of it. I even had the sweet pleasure of jumping off the side one time. (crazy renegade motorcycle!)
Thank God I got some mad skills when it comes to free style walking (ask E. Sauer about that one sometime!) Don't worry, the camera wasn't injured...but if scars make you look cool...consider me Miles Davis.
So the National Hill climbing champ Harold Waddell came all the way from Omaha, NE. I guess he heard Paurus Design was gonna be there.
More postings to come of the hill climb! Check back often my good people!
Thanks again to all my screaming fans. Yes...I do all my own stunts.

The Chronic Creativity

Clearly we can see who's the real professional in this photo. Tickets to the gun show will be for sale at a later time.

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