July 7th, 2007 (aka 07-07-07) Turned out to be a lucky day for many, some say the luckiest this century. Well, what if it was your 21st birthday on 07-07-07? Did you realize that 7+7+7=21? Crazy! One of our dearest friends at Paurus Design, and quite frankly at the Paurus House, did indeed turn 21 years old on 07-07-07. Who is this uber-lucky individual you ask? Why, it's the incredibly beautiful and equally talented Miss Sarah! Not only do our significant others share their compulsive golf addictions, but we also share a love of obvious sarcasm and word-smithing.
The VC crew packed it up to "represent" in Downtown Fargo. My oh my, did we rock the city down with our crazy brand of fun!
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Much love from the Paurus Design Crew. Let us know the next time you want to go to Vegas...we all have a feeling that your amazing cosmic birthday will enhance your luckiness and catapult you into good luck super stardom!
The Chronic Creativity

Sarah showing the world what she can legally do now.

1 comment:
Thank you so much for taking these sweet pictures!!! Not very many people have a professional photographer as their friend on their birthday!!! LOVE THEM!!!
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